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Go Wash Shiatsu Air Massage

Go Wash Shiatsu Air Massage

Product Price: €3512.00
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product info

Wash unit with ergonomic tilting, white or black, ceramic bowl (mixing tap and hand shower included), waste trap and integrated seat.Equipped with remote controlled leg rest, as pictured, and remote controlled Shiatsu air massage for back, seat and legs. Side plumbing access available on request. This wash point has 17 different colour options.

This beautifully designed wash point was designed by Nelson Mobilier a French company with over 40years creating and designing luxury high end salon furniture.

Please allow an estimated 6 week production & delivery time.

Please feel to contact us directly to discuss options, 051 334244

Price quoted includes electric foot rest and air massage in the seat


Gowash Structure Details

Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others. Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others.
Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others. Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others.
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