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Product Price: €12.90
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Before coloring, it's really important that you test if our color is suitable for you. Do a sensitivity test before using the colors! Clean a small area of skin for testing. The best area to do it is in the inside of the arm or behind the ears, as these areas are relatively discrete. Squeeze a small drop of dye onto the cleaned area and leave it on the skin for as long as possible – we recommend 48 hours! Allergies are very rare, but if during the test period you notice any abnormal reactions such as itching, redness or swelling in or around the test area, DO NOT APPLY THE PRODUCT!

Remember that ingredients are different in every shade of our colors! Do a sensitivity test before every preferred color.

How to get the perfect result? To avoid any unwanted 'surprises' make sure you make time for a strand test before coloring your hair. It won't take long and will ensure you have chosen the brightest color. Wash your hair before testing. Do not use any conditioner. Your hair can be dry or towel dry before testing. Choose a hidden section of hair to work with. Then apply 1 tablespoon of dye to your sample. Let the dye soak in for approx 30 minutes before thoroughly rinsing the sample to reveal your new color. Note that your hair may have different shades and the color will look different in darker or lighter parts.

How to get the color to stick better? Before dyeing we strongly suggest always to bleach your hair to guarantee the best result. Bleaching your hair will lighten the base color so that the color shade will be bright. Treatment will also open your hair's structure so the hair color can absorb into your hair. The base should be light as possible so the color would be bright. How dark your hair is will effect the result of the color. You may need several bleaches before you hair is light enough. We suggest you to bleach your hair several times rather than bleach one time and for a longer period. This way you avoid any hair damage or burning. You should always keep at least two weeks between every bleach. We suggest bleaching your hair even if it's naturally blond. The color won’t absorb directly if your hair structure is not open. With blond or light hair you can lower the duration of bleach to minimum. We suggest using our Herman’s Amazing Bleach Kit. Read directions to the use of bleach kit here! Do a sensitivity test also with bleach kit!

Bleaching will make your hair dry! If your hair is in bad shape, don’t bleach it. Direct color is conditioner based so it doesn’t hurt your hair. Still we suggest using conditioner when washing away the color. Don’t mix the color and conditioner on the first dyeing time or if you want to maintain a dark color. Conditioner lighters the shade of the hairdye.

Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others. Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others.
Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others. Staircases are our speciality and we welcome the challenge of innovative designs. We provide a product and service to our clients that always exceeds expectations. Our attention to minute details is what distinguishes an AJD stairs from others.
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